Friday, March 4, 2011

Beer #01

First official of the 50! I have to say I got this for the label before I started this project and then it turned out to be on my list! "Findestkind" IPA from Smuttynose Brewing Company in Portsmouth, NH. It was pretty good for an IPA. Not too hoppy. Very easy to drink. 6.9% alcohol. I drank this a few days ago and probably should have written a description then because I can't think of anything else. Except I am liking this Instagram app giving the ability to vary up my photo looks!


I found this awesome photo and decided start a challenge to make sure I try every brewery on the map. It is a nice way to break up the monotony of grad school. Come home from class, have a good beer. So far so good. 

Here are my amateur beer drinker thoughts on each beer. Enjoy!

link to high res photo: